Saturday, April 06, 2019


The man over the back fence has severely pollarded the tree where all the birds used to play about in the mornings. Undeterred, the singiest bird is there every morning, standing on its pulpit and singing its little feathered heart out.
It half-woke me this morning, and I lay there lazing in the sound of its song.
This is a day off.
So much has happened in the last week that it's felt as though I haven't landed on solid ground for days. Thank you for coming to the screening last night in Brighton. Jerry Thackray did a great job of hosting the panel (just me at this one: is that a panel? Maybe just a pan). There were lots of helpful suggestions.
Vanessa from Doc'n'Roll noticed that a lot of them were 'Why don't YOU....' type suggestions. Ha ha!
Being involved in making this has been totally outside my comfort zone; Gina is an experienced film maker and I have learned loads from her, and also rather a lot of horrible things about what taking on the role of being the producer is (why would anyone want to do that?).
The dynamic! Watching the film on a screen for the umpteenth time with a constantly critical eye, editing it still mentally, feeling anxiety about whether people will like it or not and relief when they do, the things people talk about afterwards and ask questions about.

That's enough musing, for now and forever.
I have a day!

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