Wednesday, March 06, 2019

In Which Machines All Break At Once

Car: it's going to have to be scrapped. It's tried to kill me too many times!
Washing machine: the man's next door sploshing away with buckets. I can't bear to look.
Freezer: iced up solid. So much for self-defrosting! Can I afford to waste all that food when I defrost it? How many peas can I eat in the next 48 hours?
Self: less said the better. Luckily I am busy working on stuff, so no time to mope.
Metronome: the battery ran itself down and melted and it won't count any more.
Strangely, all these einsturzende Maschinen are having no effect on my ability to write songs. Quite the opposite, in fact.
And the washing machine man has just shown me how to mend the problem. That's pretty nifty. I like that.

1 comment:

  1. Metronome?? BATTERY?? what kind of fresh hell is this??

    Ligeti's 100 Metronomes would be rendered pointless if a wind up one couldn't wind down

    (anyone puzzled by this should put 'Ligeti 100 metronomes' into youtube)
