Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Pretentious, moi?

This computer is on its last legs, and gasps with pain every time I challenge it; there's no way I can add the keyboard software to its heavy burden.
The parts are therefore being written and recorded using the Melodica, which I keep forgetting to blow into. It would be really annoying if it wasn't funny. When I set up to record first thing this morn, I forgot to attach the blowing-pipe thing to the actual Melodica and couldn't work out why all you could hear was swooshing air.
That's the problem with early starts, but it's work later on and everything has to squeeze around the edges. The upside is the feeling of excitement; now the basic tracks are done the arrangements are materialising out of thin air, and I have to keep stopping in the street and singing them into my phone. This has ceased to be embarrassing. I know its completely pretentious, but who cares? This is London and people are doing much stupider things everywhere, every day.
Jump in with both feet!

1 comment:

  1. A London Resident5:01 pm

    We've just been to The Strand!
