Friday, August 17, 2018


Last night I went to the relaunch of Lucy O'Brien's book, Madonna: like an icon. Lucy's talk was really interesting, and I have bought a copy which I very much look forward to reading. There isn't a single track of Madonna's music that I like, but what Lucy said about her and her life was so interesting that although nothing will convert me into being a fan, I want to know more about the way she works out of sheer curiosity. One of the best things about Lucy's writing is her attention to detail and (oh, that's two best things), the obvious rapport she has with the people she interviews.
The launch was held in Gay's the Word and was packed with Lucy's friends and family as well as performers and academics. Cazz was there, and so was Paula Wolfe. Gina and Mike came along, and so did Rhoda Dakar.
One book to finish reading first: Trilby, an unexpected pleasure despite being riddled with the sexism and racism of the time, the mid-1800s. Every so often a word or phrase leaps out and punches you in the gut, but I wan't expecting the narrative to be so funny and well-observed. The story is a tragedy but it is written with such poetry and has such parallels with human behaviour right now that I haven't been able to put it down.
Oh yes, and Liz Naylor and Cath Carroll's ears much have been burning last night. We were talking about City Fun, the Manchester zine that they published back in the day, and the chap who did a presentation about ti at KISMIF in Porto, and who couldn't stop laughing. I think our favourite was Pam Ponders the unhelpful agony aunt.
The world can be crap sometimes; my health is not good, and just look at the political arena. What the f*ck is going on? All sort of psychopathic Nazis seem to have got themselves into positions of power and are annihilating anyone who disagrees with them...
This has been a week full of friendship and positive conversation. I think we can survive, you know.

Photo: Cazz and Paula talk about Salford

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