Monday, July 10, 2017

Thatcher's Statue

A very perceptive article in the paper today pointed out that there's no need for a statue of Margaret Thatcher; such a statue already exists. It is the burnt-out shell of Grenfell Tower, a paean to deregulation, the power of the construction industry, contempt for poor people and people from ethnic minorities, corruption and penny-pinching by councils, the prioritising of money over human beings, and the complete disregard for the communities that make up our society.
It is a shocking sight to see in reality; I've driven past it a couple of times and it almost hurts physically to see it. God only knows the pain that the people who lived there must be feeling. They must not be forgotten by the media and they must not be forgotten by us.


  1. There was a very dark, but very accurate, cartoon in Private Eye the other week depicting the blackened shell of Grenfell Tower, underneath which was the much tailed "Bonfire of regulations" serving as the literal fuel to the fire...

  2. Private Eye is really serving it's purpose at the moment!
