Friday, April 14, 2017


Eating warmed up macaroni cheese, I listen to the mixes of the new album on the best speakers I have at home (pretty crap. The clumsy electrician accidentally hurled the Harman Kardon ones out of the loft, smashed them and didn't confess, and I only found out when I tried to give them away two weeks ago to someone with no speakers at all).
What a peculiar 12 months, and what a peculiar set of circumstances to be writing and recording!
I almost left off the two heartbreak songs, but ironically they are amongst the best ones. And two of the songs that I think have come out as the weakest as recordings have the strongest messages. There are three songs that I meant to put on this album that I didn't, and three that I didn't mean to put on it that I have, so I suppose that means that I should start to record another one straight away.
I have grown tired of listening to these now, although I will always love playing them. My voice seems to polarise people's opinions; some people like it when I croon, but that's when I feel most vulnerable and I'm not taking that out on the road with me. I wish I had a big bad belty voice to roar at the world with, but I don't; the world will just have to hear politely held opinions, politely sung. Jono, the engineer, thinks one of the songs sounds like Mary Poppins and I thought this was an enormous compliment. He said that it was meant that way. I have had a couple of strokes of inspiration about other mixers of songs but I have to ask them first. Keep fingers crossed plz; that would be a nice 4-track EP later in the year.
I'm off to Brighton this afternoon to play at the Hotel Pelirocco with my Telecaster and a genuine shirt that I wore in The Chefs for good karma.
Please excuse spelling mistakes in this posting, my dormant dyslexia is patrolling my words due to the stress of trying to get all this together while appearing outwardly totally calm. I left all the contact details for the printers on their desk on Wednesday and it's now the Bank Holiday.
Will they do what they said and print a test copy?
Will Offsprog One finish the CD sleeve design before she goes away for a week?
Will I be able to work the PA at the Hotel Pelirocco this evening?
Will anyone turn up or will the just stay on the beach throwing stones into the English Channel?
Will they, won't they?
Count to ten slowly, making sure you mention all the numbers and don't do a shortcut to get to the end before I do. Thanks.

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