Thursday, April 13, 2017

Hotel Pelirocco Tomorrow with DJ Gremlin

If you live in Brighton please come along to the Hotel Pelirocco tomorrow evening, it's free to get in and the DJ Gremlin will be spinning some spins, and I will be playing some songs including a couple of solo Chefs songs (yes, it can be done) and Femme Fatale, if I can manage it. I've got three copies of that CD left at the moment, to sell for Refugee Action. I will have some copies of other CDs which I need to dig out from underneath the chest of drawers later on.
This is a completely DIY tour which might be why I've spent a large part of this week in bed!
The book of lyrics and illustrations is at the printers and the CD cover is just being finished. All the music is done. Stuart Moxham is doing a mix of one of the songs, and so is a young production team who say they will have their ready by the end of this week; I might release the mixes separately.
I am listening to The Young Fathers to give my ears a rest from my own stuff.
Here is the final version of the cover of the book.

1 comment:

  1. The pebble just above the 'l' in Helen really does look like a potato (comments passim). I'll assume it is some sort of cryptic message
