Saturday, February 11, 2017

A Day In Which Everything Goes Slightly Wrong.

I was expecting to have a full working day today in the studio after a very busy week in which all the students who don't normally show up suddenly decided to show up with their bags full of motivation and their heads full of ideas. On Tuesday Paul Eccentric came over rand we worked on one of his songs, and then in the evening Andy Diagram came to record his trumpet part on Women of the World. It's brilliant.
On Wednesday I visited students on placements, one in a secondary school in Stoke Newington and another in a drum'n'bass radio station in deepest Essex. On Thursday I went to evening class (mysterious!) and then to The Green Note where The Gem Andrews Band were playing- they were great and had a very warm and supportive crowd watching them. Good sound, too.
Now I'm waiting for the kitchen appliances to cease their cycle before I can sing in the kitchen.
It's been a peculiar day. In the café, the proprietor charged me seven pounds and thirty pence (or tried to). He'd got it backwards; it was three pounds and seventy pence. He wasn't trying to con me because he counted out the right change before I told him.
He was very embarrassed.
Offsprog Two came to take a photo because she's going to do an embroidery. She was a bit worse the wear and and sat about with me for a while.
I left the newspaper on the tube.
Now I'm home, and recording what I thought I was going to record today in the studio, in the kitchen but I can't do that with the sploshy water sounds so I'm waiting.
I've tried to do some editing but Logic won't delete the bit of track that I want to get rid of . It will do anything else I ask, it says, but Not That.
How unbearable to have a music recording programme that has a personality.

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