Sunday, November 20, 2016

Time Management

Sometimes you just need to sleep. I woke late, and although I'd intended to go on the Sisters Uncut march today wth Offsprog One (you probably won't hear any reports about it, but it's happening this afternoon in Central London in support of Council Housing for female ex-offenders which is about to be demolished and turned into [yawn] luxury flats).
I have a paper to write for the Art of Record Production conference in Aalborg at the beginning of December
the backing-vox recordings to make for the song Women of the World which are due to be recorded next Saturday afternoon by a scratch choir (quite small at the moment: email me if you'd like to be there singing too).
I can't do those yet, because Offsprog Two set off the washing machine before  she went out today and it's grumbling and rumbling very loudly in the kitchen AKA my recording studio.
I'm shuffling Powerpoint slides around making a narrative, with a blank one for everyone to yawn at because talking about women in music is just so boring now everything is equal and we're post-feminism, post-truth, and a bunch of invaders into that territory of music technology and production.
I've actually done 32 beautiful interviews with studio professionals for this research, and because I'm taking the approach of being a historian above that of being an academic (there is a subtle difference), I hope to be able to publish the interviews in their entirety rather than having to fillet them as I did for  The Lost Women of Rock Music. For that book, so much got left on the cutting-room floor. Of course, I have edited these latest interviews extensively to focus them, but the detail of people's acquisition of skills and uptake of opportunities is fascinating.
The film Stories From the She-Punks is still going to happen- it's just resting at the moment. It blossomed into a really exciting project very quickly during the summer; can you believe that neither of us realised that 2016 was the 40-year anniversary of punk when we started making it? The massive amount of interest was a really nice surprise and we are taking a break to think about ways of finishing it so that it stands alone as a piece of music documentary history.
So that's today's prevarication over with.
The Wild Hare gig will be written up, but I need to do a bit more Powerpointing while the computer still has a little bit of battery power left.
Au Revoir.

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