Sunday, November 06, 2016

Miming to 'Femme Fatale' In Bristol

Speeding through the cold sunshine to Bristol, heavy eye make-up that Offsprog One had painted on my lids, and a motorway caff coffee in the cupholder that seems to be the only part of my car that hasn't broken, my life had a sense of purpose yesterday.
Never got on Top of the Pops, never did the miming thing- today was to be a first, and I was looking forward to it with gusto (can you do that?).
The basement of the Café Kino was bustling and rustling (every time you walked past the hanging aluminium foil, it made a noise), balloons drifted across the floor, and photocopying paper boxes disguised as Brillo boxes were stacked up in anticipation.
The Charlie Tipper Conspiracy were at work.
Tim Rippington was cunningly disguised as Andy himself (although he forgot to take his specs off, which were slotted into the neck of his t-shirt) and his partner was 'Nico'.
Their wigs had characters of their own, though I'm not sure they were Andy and Nico's.
We stood on the stage and mimed. I got the words wrong. 'It doesn't matter, you can't see you anyway'. So that was OK.
The camera was set to the Factory setting (get it?) and nobody seemed quite sure if it was filming or not. The red light was on, so perhaps it was.
We ran through the song a couple of times, batted balloons about, sat somewhere different, had a nice chat, and then I went home.
This is going to be a Christmas single. I'll let you know when it's out; it's waiting for a cornet solo, backing vocals, and for me to do the vocal on the B-side which will probably get done on Tuesday morning (morning is the new rock'n'roll evening).
Photo of us all by Tim, photo of me by Offsprog One, other photos by me.


  1. Anonymous9:03 am

    Kino! I did an artist residency there in 2012 (brag). hope the day was good!

  2. It was, Anonymous. Who are you?

  3. My name's henry. Apropos of nothing, I was also at the BL preview of your She Punks documentary and loved it so much!
