Friday, October 14, 2016

Radio Woking With Elaine McGinty

Yesterday evening after work I went over to Woking to meet Elaine McGinty and do an interview for her show on Radio Woking, which is broadcast from a studio in a school in the town.
We talked about anything and everything: mostly Stories from the She-Punks, but also punk in general, the local scene in Woking (Elaine is part of a group of people who have secured a building from the local to open up a new live music venue focusing on Woking music). Elaine played music from some local punk bands and also tracks by The Raincoats, The Slits, X-Ray Spex, Penetration the Mo-Dettes- and Let's Make Up by The Chefs.
Big thanks to Elaine, and I was touched to hear that she and Dave Hammond, from The Smelly Flowerpot show at Cambridge Community Radio, have made contact and are exchanging music from local bands in both areas- now that's what local radio should be about!
Here is the link to the show:
Photo: Elaine McGinty


  1. Elaine10:47 pm

    Thanks for coming in - really enjoyed meeting and talking to you and hearing your stories of the she punks and beyond. Good luck with the film and all your ventures and look forward to inviting you to our venue when it opens - best wishes Elaine
