Monday, August 22, 2016

No, Not A Catfish: A Purrmaid


  1. I am looking for ideas of mythic creatures for a new tattoo, and saw this and thought 'Aha!' then said 'Oh, stop it...' I am feeling very conflicted now...

  2. Someone asked me to design a seagull tattoo for her, but I decided not to.
    A few years ago I designed a dolphin stated glass window for my sister, and the glass artist apparently kept it in the shop as one of their designs without me knowing!

  3. I can understand the wariness. I don't think you're alone either, I've seen a lot of indications in the past few years that artists are getting more and more wary re how their images are used, which is understandable. I have been searching through botanical drawing books today, but the library catalogue wasn't yielding up books of mythical beasts unfortunately. I did find one on dragons, that a colleague had already used for the same purpose, though! Tattooed library assistants - it's a thing...

  4. Ha Ha! I have a swallow on my arm from years ago; it's getting a bit faded now.
