Tuesday, July 05, 2016

Sculpted Into A Political Icon

I went to get my hair cut, after receiving a letter offering me 50% off.
The hair stylist is a French chap, and we launched into an enthusiastic talk about the European Union. He told me how difficult it was to shear some clients' fleeces given their peculiar views about it all. We became more enthusiastic by the second and I think his scissors were a little over-animated.
I now have a very short fringe and a blunt bob; I look suspiciously like Joan of Arc.
Oh well.
Afterwards, I went to record some harmonies. Icing the musical cake is becoming ever more enjoyable, now that I can sing again. We ate lots of Fishermen's Friends. That helped.
I think the album will be called Sailing on the Sound Waves.


  1. you can't talk about your new haircut without posting a pic. It's cruel!

    It's a bit worrying that some of us will soon be eligible for pensioners discounts on our haircuts, as long as we get it done on a tuesday or thursday. And have a blue rinse.

    Do you think John Cooper Clarke dyes his hair?

  2. I tried to post a pic but I cracked the computer screen!
