Friday, July 15, 2016

Recording Today

I'm looking forward to a bit of studio time today. I shall be taking along a lamp, because fluorescent lights aren't good for vocals, and vocals are the heart of a song, ain't they? I just can't seem to get the feel right for some of the songs, although part of it is to do with protracted sadness. I will absorb as much of the sun as I can on the way there.

Voices change over years. I was listening to the songs I recorded eleven years ago for Suburban Pastoral, and I sang really differently back then. I remember that being a struggle too, and I am in better physical shape than I was back then, because about 50% of my diet was red wine. Although juries deliberate on whether a glass of wine a day is good for you or not, I don't think anyone has ever recommended a diet like that!
On the positive side, it's only three out of ten songs that are troublesome; some of it's to do with the vocal effects too and it's a case of listening to them without the backing tracks to see if they work that way.
Then later, another good thing- shooting an interview with Karen, the drummer from The Gymslips. I would say 'onwards and upwards' but that's one of the most facetious clichés in The Bumper Book of Annoying Sayings, so I won't.


  1. Was it the Gymslips who did 'We're the renees, here we come. One, two three and up your etc'? If so I confess to having their album somewhere.

  2. I love the idea of you getting on a bus with a lamp.

  3. That was the Renees, who were later version of The Gymslips, Wilky.
    I left the lamp at work Paul- I couldn't face taking on a London rush hour with it!
