Saturday, January 23, 2016


Rather like a condemned person, I'm having the last cup of tea before embarking on marking (see what I did there?).
It's going to be a marathon day, with almost thirty 1000-worders to mark and the occasional bleary-eyed break for a walk round the village and, of course, more tea.
January is the ideal month for marking because it isn't very nice outside; always, the beginning of the year has a worn-out, tired feel before it pulls itself up by the bootstraps some time around March.
I wish I had planted more bulbs to greet the spring, but bulb planting time coincides with busy with new teaching time, so that rarely happens. The academic calendar rules more than students and their assessments; it affects the spring display, or not, in my back yard too.

OffSprog One is screening the women's wrestling film tonight at the Cowley Club in Brighton; it's a great documentary about feisty non-stop competition and glamour with a few hefty thwacks and strong-arm moments thrown in. All hail the documentary (says the almost documentary maker).

1 comment:

  1. An Ex-Student3:15 pm

    Why don't you employ a helper!
