Saturday, February 21, 2015

Crockery Design

This is the design for the mug for the last Guitar Weekend, which was a smasher. The weekend, not the mug.
I actually learned quite a lot this time around, probably because there was an atmosphere of enjoyable industry about it although there were still plenty of laughs. It was great to hear Tim Donkin's fab voice on the group version of Hold Me which you can hear here:
We did a fair bit of group recording as well as the learning sessions; and of, course, listening to Martin, Jim and Brian playing in their distinctive styles is always a pleasure.


  1. A Fan2:15 pm

    Both Cartoon faces there look like Adolf Hitler

  2. A Parent2:21 pm

    A man having a 'Guitar' as a nose, Yep' that's normal. I think i'll send my Kid along!

  3. Thirsty!2:33 pm

    Is there a 'Beer Tent' there!
