Monday, October 27, 2014

I'm Here

I'm here, and over there is my coffee... and over there are my lecture notes. Beside me is a USB stick with the Powerpoint on it for this morning.
In front of me are rows of desks and chairs (are there enough? a layer has been removed since last week).
The radiator is trilling as water splashes through it and the windows are jammed open too, so I can hear the traffic roaring down below. It's sunny; I'm tired. There is much to report, but not right now.
I am dressed as a pantomime feminist, in a boiler suit, because I'm delivering a music lecture from a feminist standpoint today. What other standpoint is there, these days?
I  noticed that even the review of Sting's musical in the Guardian today mentioned that all the men's songs focused on grand subjects, whereas the women's songs focused on men.
And there was the story of the woman who painted all the 'big eyes' pictures that were so famous in the States in the 1960s, and her husband took all the credit for them: shortly to be released as a film by Tim Burton.
Ho hum.
Soon, students will start drifting in with their mobiles, Velcro bag-fastenings, and sleepy heads.
I came in early to give them extra help, but they're not here.
But I'm here.


  1. are any of us really here??

    whats happened to Foolish Girl??

  2. Anonymous3:46 pm

    go & work at the oxfam shop instead, they'll be more appreciative!

  3. Monty3:50 pm

    I've just been to a meeting at The Abbey Community Centre NW6 & i saw The Railway Pub West End Lane all boarded-up. It's apparently gonna' be changed into flats! Leaflets were sent to residents but no-one bothered to object.
