Tuesday, September 02, 2014

Brighton Gig Coming Up!

On 28th September Helen and the Horns will be playing at The Prince Albert in Brighton with Bad Bad Whiskey supporting us.
It's one of Brighton's best venues and it would be lovely to see some old friends there. We will be playing a new song I think, and I'm really looking forward to it.
Phil (formerly of Brighton band The Lillettes) runs the punkbrighton website and has done a lovely write-up: http://punkbrighton.co.uk/


  1. I seem to recall there was also a swiss girl band called the Lilettes, who changed their name to Kleenex. Popular with Peel around the same time as The Chefs (whatever happened to them? They were good). I have the Kleenex album somewhere.....

    (ps this the second attempt to post this - I've got no idea what the first security text was!!!)

  2. I think it might have been the name of an obscure punk band from the 1970s!
