Sunday, April 20, 2014

Loose End

If you're at a loose end tomorrow evening, come down to the Boogaloo in Highgate where a motley crew of musicians will be playing tributes to Peter Seeger at one of Nat Loughran's wonderful 'Under The Influence' nights. It's three quid to get in and worth getting there for the kick-off at 8.30 because the acts go on in a random order. Everyone plays two of their own songs plus a Peter Seeger. I'm playing The Banks Are Made Of Marble which I think was actually a Weavers song; it's uncannily relevant today. I will also play a couple of the new skiffle songs but no albums just yet: I think they'll be arriving later in the week. I will bring some Helen and the Horns albums though.

1 comment:

  1. a fan2:05 pm

    Now you tell me. I was doing absolutely nothing all day yesterday, i could'ave gone there! (The Boogaloo)
