Saturday, February 01, 2014

Time, Motion and Transcription

Shocking, the number of hours one can put into a 'part time' job.
That's all I'm saying!

On the upside, I have found a transcriber and I can finally get moving with the research that has been on hold for almost a year, and which I started in 2010. I will be presenting a paper at the Simon Frith conference in Edinburgh in April but my research been rather backgrounded, although my radar has definitely not stopped working.
Other researchers are ploughing the same furrow but growing different crops (urgh: metaphor alert!) but I have always felt that the more strands that there are, the more voices creating histories, the better; there is room for all of us.
Getting the interviews transcribed has cleared space for me to complete the project; I need to interview about ten more people, I think.
The anarcho punk and feminism paper is almost complete and I have a week's grace on that. I suddenly became really immersed in it after finding it impossible to even make a start. Any researcher will tell you that you open a box and find more and more boxes inside it; what I thought I was going to say has morphed into something entirely different. I have some fact-checking to do and some structural editing, that's been inspired by the fact that I've done a lot of marking of student work recently and I need to apply the same criteria to my own writing. But I have renewed my scholarly acquaintance with the wonderful Catherine MacKinnon's writing: she who describes postmodernism as dealing in 'factish things'!
I got a lovely letter from a chap called Mark Johnson who wrote to me a couple of years ago about a PHD he was doing that applies religious theology to punk. He has now published his own academic book called Seditious Theology which I hope to get hold of next time I do some proposal reviews for Ashgate, who published the original and rather raw version of The Lost Women of Rock Music (publishers 'pay' for this type of reviewing with books), and who have published his book.
When I do get hold of it, I'll review it here.

This is a bit of a 'news book' posting. I wonder if they still do those in primary schools?

You wouldn't believe my kitchen. Sometimes it's a studio and plays host to microphone stands, the odd guitar and metres of black-clad cabling tangled into nests of signals buzzing hither and thither.
At the moment, it hosts the old printer/scanner that doesn't print (Epson), and the new printer/scanner that doesn't scan (Canon). Ugly beasts, both of them. I've cleared the book pile and now there are only seven books on the kitchen table, plus piles of scribbled notes, an electronic metronome, the latest Irrepressibles CD that I want to listen to and review here, and a tangle of data wires.

Today's plan is not to stare into the computer for twelve hours as I did one day earlier this week. Today, the computer's job is playing music while I hoof it about the house, dancing, singing and remembering what it's like to be upright instead of hunched in front of a screen.

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