Sunday, January 19, 2014

Brighton Gig with The Nightingales and Ted Chippington

Facebook event here
I'm really looking forward to it- I love the Prince Albert, love the Nightingales.... it's gonna be a stunna!
And the song French Footsteps is there, to your right.... It never got released and it's a slightly different version to the one of the CD (which is coming out very soon!)
If you want more instant updates I've got a Twitter account. I am @mccookerybook and probably don't use it as much as this, but every so often I have a spontaneous burst of twittering and post twittersongs up there.
More stuff to come.
I've spent the afternoon writing about Feminism and Anarcho-Punk but the printer has let me down again so I've given up- I wanted to read what I'd written so far on paper instead of on a screen.
Frustrating. But there's nothing on telly tonight so I'm dusting off my pen... fingers... keyboard (?) to do a bit more before the candle gutters out.

1 comment:

  1. y'see, us oldies were lost with the first word of that. 'facebook'. What is this thing?
