Sunday, October 27, 2013

Bad Fairies, Nursery Rhymes

It's so lovely and sunny outside!
To prevent stir-craziness, I went for a walk and photographed toadstools. There are hundreds of them on the common, all shapes and sizes and colours.
I got it into my head that I wanted to photograph a Fly Agaric (the red spotty Bad Fairy ones) but couldn't seem to find one, even though I retraced last year's places.
But I did, eventually; it was hiding in the undergrowth, festooned in swarms of tiny flies.
Now I'm taking a break from recording nursery rhymes- frustrating, as they are so short and condensed.
Back to zero, back to zero..
 I've resorted to powdering my finger's with Lentheric's Tweed talcum powder (special offer at the chemist's) to stop them shrieking on the strings, which they are doing even though I have changed to a Spanish Guitar.
Strange how a difficult song is easier to play on a difficult guitar.

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