Monday, September 23, 2013

Helen and the Horns Compilation and Launch

After a lot of negotiating, the Helen and the Horns Peel sessions are due to be released in November and we are playing a launch gig to celebrate on Sunday 8th December at the Lexington in King's Cross.
At last, an archive of our BBC stuff!
I will set up a Facebook page with ticket details later this week.
Meanwhile if you are interested in updates you might want to follow this Facebook page:


  1. And for those of us who refuse to go anywhere near Facebook?? Can we just be emailled??

    Lexington is a great venue. I've had more random hugs off strangers there than any other venue!!

  2. I'll be putting all the details here too Wilky- I always do!

  3. Sounds like my kinda place Wilky
