Monday, September 16, 2013


Literally. It's cold in this hotel room!
This afternoon I travelled to a small border town to interview an extraordinary woman, a pioneer in electronic composition.
I have about twelve interviews to transcribe; I reckon it's going to be a rainy autumn, you see, and I will sit and tap away at the outer while the rain drums away on the window panes.
Tomorrow morning I am going to interview a young woman who has just graduated and who wants to be a sound engineer.
I was going to drop in at Manchester on my way back to do another interview but I think I'll be tired. It's a long drive. Meanwhile, I am massively irritated by this iPad, which will not let me retrieve messages from work. I hope there is an Internet cafe in Glasgow somewhere so I can sit and delve into my job for an hour or so. It all starts up again next week and I need to keep in touch.

1 comment:

  1. Ralf Hutter12:54 pm

    KRAFTWERK The pioneers of Eletro- Pop were German. And everyone should have a copy of 'Autobahn' in their collection!
