Tuesday, January 08, 2013

In Which I Attend A Men's Fashion Week Event

Number One Adwych twinkled in the night air; full of anticipation, I slid through the huge glass doors in my glamorous coat and fancy tights (they don't call it Glamuary for nothing, my friends) and slipped down to the basement screening room to see MALE-AW13, a film directed by Dr No (one-time new blood Slits guitarist) and filmed by her partner in crime, Pete Remke.
The film shows the latest range of clothing by a designer called Lee Miller, who has a label called Doctor Robert; it's not just a wispy fashion film though. It's got a story, of a wealthy young man who stages his own kidnapping, looking rather cool in Lee Miller's clothing range while he clumsily clips letters out of a newspaper for his blackmail writing. Meanwhile, the police are outside digging up the garden (they really were, in Tottenham, but that's another story). The music is by Dr No and Pete's amazing band, the Home Office (and I reviewed their New Year's Eve gig about two years ago), and features moog synthesiser swoops and sinister vocals that ideally suit the darkness of the film. The clothes are simple and beautiful (why don't they make women's clothes like this?)- plain and well-cut and for wearing at home just to feel nice in when there's nobody about. I like that idea!
I made friends with a young Irish photographer: who said fashion types are snooty?
I'm off to visit his blog now!
Lee Miller's clothes are at www.doctorrobert.co.uk
(p.s. I've spent all day marking today and so I really enjoyed the night out. I will be reviewing some CDs soon)

1 comment:

  1. golly. I'm at number 61 in the same street. You should have popped in for a cup of tea and a custard cream
