Wednesday, November 07, 2012

House Music

I remember when I first heard House Music. I was working at Better Badges (in Bethnal Green, I think, but it was definitely Joly who played it so it might have been at the Portobello Road premises).
Joly had an old cassette player and he'd taped Kiss Radio (the New York version, not the London one, though even that was quite cool back in the day).
I was knocked out by what appeared to be dub mixes of new soul tunes: amazing!
Daruyl Pandy's Love Can't Turn Around is thundering through my head as I write.
Such clarity of production, such clever arrangements, such good songs. Happy birthday Joly!


  1. Monty1:37 pm

    I've just purchased your Book & did that bloke ever retrieve his Guitar!

  2. Monty1:45 pm

    Can you please Autograph your book for me? I'll bring it to the Stuart Low Trust. THANKS!
