Friday, February 24, 2012

Yesterday All My Troubles Seemed So Far Away

I shook hands with Basil Meade yesterday, the musical director of the London Community Gospel Choir. How exciting! I have a live tape of them performing somewhere that I got off the radio, one miserable Christmas when I was just out of my teens. It cheered me up not end. I also went to see them once at the Royal Albert Hall. They have phenomenal voices and the vocal arrangements are like being fed gorgeous food!
Later, I went to Jame  and Jacobs warehouse in Barnet (no, I didn't believe there were such things either!).
It is a huge white-painted space with red chairs and red tulips in a glass vase. Jamie is an amazing cook and he made us a three-course meal and we talked until out teeth fell out of our mouths. Almost!
Thank you, you two, for being such great company.

1 comment:

  1. A Barnet Resident2:28 pm

    Is the "Warehouse" open to the general public. Whats the address. & Do they offer a cheap fried breakfast!
