Sunday, February 05, 2012

Big Up Ben Wilson
Ben has an 'exhibition' on the streets of Docklands!
I had wondered what he was up to. This is the tiny painting that he did for the cover of Suburban Pastoral.
I didn't realise that no-one would twig how tiny it actually is. It's one of the few left in Barnet where the nasty council ripped up the paving stones after taking him to court. They are absolute philistines.
You can still just about see this by the side of the Old Magistrate's Court on the corner of Normandy Avenue. It has been scuffed by feet but that's sort of the point, according to Ben.
He painted it there because that's where he thought I lived, but I actually lived in Bedford Avenue (though I don't any more) and that's where I wrote all the songs on the album.
Local musician makes local songs and asks local artist to paint picture for cover!
When I listened to them, I heard the songs of a very unhappy and unloved middle aged suburban housewife. And that was me!
Not any more.
Still middle aged though.



    Yes, i spied the "offending" gum on the pavement in Barnet, but it did'nt offend me!

  2. john field7:36 pm
    Nice article.

  3. Monty4:26 pm

    Dear Helen, my mate Bill Horne (a cycling friend) lived at No. 84 Bedford Avenue in the 70/80s. Did you know him, He's moved away now but i still walk up that road with "tears in my eyes"
