Wednesday, August 24, 2011


I am waiting in a telephone queue listening to EDF's awful queue music. It gets steadily worse, each time I phone them and wait for months to talk to an advisor.
Anyway- I have just returned from a visit to the Dirt exhibition an the Wellcome Institute with Gina and her Offsprogs. It is every bit as good as the Science Museum is bad, and I was moved to tears by the horrible Nazi poster that equated Jewish people to ticks. I can not believe that the Nazis were even human beings, even less that they managed to brainwash an entire country.
There was some fascinating stuff about Delft, and an installation made of Indian poo. Gina saw the notice saying 'Do Not Touch' too late. Luckily I had my little tube of antibacterial hand gel. I reassured her that such a venerated institution would not be allowed to spread disease, especially with an exhibition like this!
On the way, I photographed this member of staff at High Barnet tube station. They collect rubbish and old newspapers (which they pile up for people to take and read again, a sweet touch), because we are at the very end of the Northern Line.
He has been gradually tucking more bags into his belt as the weeks progress and now has a full bagskirt, which I think you will agree is magnificent!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:52 pm

    The bagskirt reminded of years ago when I went to a fancy dress party as a punk ballerina, with a tutu made of black bin bags! What a good idea to collect the papers for others to read, instead of just binning them!!
