Sunday, May 22, 2011

Friday Evening at the Eyre Chapel

Such a change of environment! Martin picked my up in his Merc, delighted to be driving again, and we whooshed pat Chesterfield Cathedral's twisted spire to the Chinese take-away where we gorged on chips and curry sauce before going up to the chapel itself.
It is a sweet and charming little building, and the gig was promoted by the equally charming David Lelievre. The room was populated by smiling people nursing glasses of wine and bottles of beer. I went straight onstage, picked up the happy vibe and really enjoyed myself.
Martin was on hilarious form, playing a lovely Takamine Spanish guitar that brought out different sounds from his guitar parts. A couple of guys at the front were well in their cups and kept up a dialogue all the way through; at the end, I sang Sweet Saviour and The Airship Song with Martin before we retired to (apparently) Julian Cope's favourite Travelodge. I can understand why; as Martin says, Travelodges have started to look like the bailiffs have been in.
No chairs, no sofas, half a teabag between two and the smallest towels in the universe divided in half.
But this one not only had a sofa, it also had a chair and two towels. And enough teabags! Travelodge paradise!!!

1 comment:

  1. So Martin's got rid of his little car he used to drive 300 miles for a service (can't remember what the make was) ooh Merc eh? Nice, Good on him, he's a lovely bloke...
