Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Tesco Queen in Fantasy Myspace Visit Horror

Just noticed that I've had a visitor to my Myspace profile from Tel Aviv.
I wonder if it was the fiendish Dame Shirley Porter (wife of Tesco magnate thingummybob Cohen), who is hiding out there to avoid being taken to court for mismanagement (i.e. disappearance) of funds while she was head of Westminster Council back in the dark ages of Thatcher.
I wonder which track she listened to?
Maybe I should write a special song and lie in wait with it on my Myspace until she visits again!


  1. DON'T get me started about Shirley ****ing Porter. Surcharged 21 million quid and claimed she was skint. ie had a good accountant. People forget that one of her fellow councillors, who by all accounts was a decent chap, topped himself during the inquiry.


  2. Anonymous8:35 am

    I'd forgotten all about her! I guess there will always be crooked politicians - we have been laughing ourselves silly because Tommy Sheridan has been jailed. He asked not to be jailed as it would upset his wife, his daughter and his mammy - he should have thought of that before he broke the law!

  3. I thought Dame Shirl was back in Park Lane, claiming to be down to her last penny and unable to pay back what she should because she'd... actually, I'll stop there - she has a good lawyer after all - mind you, the Park Lane sighting was a few years back now.
