Saturday, December 11, 2010

The Delights of Droring

Of course, now the students have decided that they like me and they realise that what I have been teaching them is not, after all, pointless, but if they listen to what I teach, they will do well in their assessments.
As always.
My outlet over the past ten days has been rising to the challenge set by Gina and The Gluts to a draw-off between my Baked Alaska and The Gluts' Arctic Roll I have become thoroughly absorbed in the task and now have a piece of fake sheet music to send them when it is finished on Monday morning.
I have really enjoyed it, and it's given me a lot of spin-off ideas.
I also sent off for a book of Aubrey Beardsley's drawings, which have been inexplicably (!) censored so a lot of the chaps are wearing big anti-artistic black capes that Aubrey himself didn't draw, to hide the very rude extremities that he did draw.
I love the blackness-and-whiteness of his style; although I draw really differently, having the work of such a brilliant artist to hand stops me from slipping too far into the ditch of dumpster scribbles.

Today is Tree-day, and Christmas Special day.
I went to buy a little tree and decorated it this morning, fuelled by some very strong coffee, as Offsprog Two cooked Christmas Dinner for some friends last night, and clearing up afterwards (well, that's a good thing) took two very loud hours and rapidly started to approach morning.
The tree smells delicious!
And later, I'm off the Camden Eye to sing. I have rather a sore throat which may have been caused by the vicious anti-moth spray I've been using, but I'll just have to sing a hole in it and if I wear my party clothes then maybe it won't matter so much if I'm a little hoarse.
I'm really looking forward to it!

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