Saturday, November 20, 2010

An Old Brush Sweeps Clean

I have put a new set of songs up on Myspace, including the Christmas songs and a couple of Chefs ones and some rare Helen and the Horns tracks. Daisies is still there though...

Talking of sweep: I used to be in love with Sweep from The Sooty and Sweep Show. It was something to do with his eyebrows.


  1. Anonymous4:48 pm

    I'm sure there is some deep meaning to be read into the fact that you liked Sweep rather than Sooty - already championing (is that a word?) the underdog!!

  2. My dog looks like Sweep. I used to love Sweep too. Everyone loves my dog, even if he does poo on the sofa, but mostly they don't see that. I wonder if Sweep ... no I won't go there.
