Thursday, September 02, 2010

Smoove Move and Crusty Fingers

It's done, it's dusted, and all after three hours sleep.
Serves me right for seething with rage all night at everyone who has ever annoyed me, past, present and future! I couldn't believe it when I went down for a glass of water and saw that it was 5 a.m.!
I can't slob in front of the TV because the mini-living room is full of Offsprog Two's teenage friends debriefing themselves on the first day back at school. They had to draw a circle round something, show it to someone and then come home, apparently.
Loud voices, legs, pizza and perfume.
I hover on the stair like a wraith (not hoover the stairs like a wife, which fortunately I'm not any more) and  plan how to assuage my starving-ness with the minimum of effort and maximum of food.
The move went smoove, but I've still got crusty fingers like parrots' claws and shoulders that feel like I left the coat hanger in my clothes.
Stuff it though, I'm glad it's done. I didn't manage to meet up with Kim though.
Now to tackle finding a rehearsal studio for the Horns: the temporarily mislaid trombone player has reappeared and we need to get organised, don't we!