Thursday, June 17, 2010

News Book

I have been collecting photos for the new CD cover and they are all packaged up to send to Em.
She did the cover for Poetry and Rhyme and I thought it looked pretty classy. Gina is going to make a video too, a week on Tuesday.
Martin has started a Reverbnation for Barbaraville, his label that a nice collection of oddballs belong to
I have started up my own one too, and have some music and a video up there.
Most of today was spent wandering around Spitalfields: down Fournier Street (was that Gilbert'n'George I spotted disappearing round the corner in a whisk of grey suiting?, up Hanway Street (lazy old Duke of Uke still wasn't open at 12.15!).
I bought some moth-eaten knitwear and a moth-eaten hat. I have washed them and I'm going to pack the knitwear into the freezer next to the lasagne to kill the moth grubs.
The hat will just have to suffer.
I met my friend Denise and talked to her about the all-women bands who have been so disappointing, playing sub-Raincoats and sub-Slits music note-perfectly with glum faces, having made a new restrictive canon, new rules from what was created from experimentation. Denise always looks at things in a different way.
'They have inherited it', she said, 'And they will develop it on from there'.
Yes, yes, that could well be true.
Photo by Offsprog One