Monday, January 04, 2010


In the streets, people walk round with thunderous expressions, wrapped in the latest winter fashions, mouths turned down and collars turned up.
It's a different story in the Post Office. The old people are positively bouncing. Their cheeks are rosy beneath their pulled-down knitted hats and they clutch their pension books and bank books in inflexible thick-gloved sheepskin hands.
Their eyes twinkle and they laugh and joke with each other. Winter? Snow? The least of their problems! Ice? Who cares about moving at a snail's safe pace!
 They have all the time in the world, and they intend to enjoy every second of it, even the extraordinarily cold and snowy winter.
The normally grumpy Post Office staff have been infected by their good humour, and pause to make conversation with those people who have had to venture out and queue.
This post is dedicated to the old and wise, whoever and wherever they may be!


  1. I have to defend post office staff here Helen. a. because I was one and I was not grumpy. (I used to take great pleasure in being extra polite and smiley to the rudest customers!) The old people were always my favourites though. and b. because they are very nice in my post office!
    Have you got snow yet? We have and I am really hoping it will last!

  2. Ah, Sarah, I didn't mean all Post Office staff. I am sure you weren't grumpy, and there are some cheerful ones in Barnet. Some of them are a bit glum, though, and you feel you have to cheer them up when you buy stamps or whatever.
