Tuesday, December 08, 2009


Having a lock-up is expensive, but wonderful.
I'd associated it with stress, because I'd had to make the arrangements before work one morning just before moving, and then the heroic removal men dropped off a load of stuff there first before coming to the house (sweet- they were triumphant that it all fitted in and couldn't stifle a couple of ruffty-tuffty grins).
Yesterday I went down there to see if there was room for my vinyl albums, the ones I didn't take to the Oxfam shop, and there was.
It was rather exciting- the place was full of people doing mysteriously different things: there were stacks of boxes destined for T.K. Maxx with 'Farhi' written on the side, young people fitting furniture into boots of cars (just), piles of empty flattened cartons, families dropping off collective family overspill and people locking up and unlocking and trundling trolleys up and down the aisles.
It was a hive of quiet activity, and not the dreaded gloomy experience I'd expected.


  1. Anonymous6:56 pm

    You can get a 'record deck' that plugs into your computer so that you can transfer your vinyls (I wish I had known such a thing would be invented before I gave mine to a charity shop) - perhaps you could pick up one on ebay!!

  2. ah, the Storage Company. I used one for a while...& while it was a hive of jovial activity on a Saturday, with folk shifting the most amazing array of stuff, as you say, try a visit on a weekday or evening. Rattling along endless narrow metallic corridors with your trolley, piped music but not a sod in sight. Noises though. Bumps, clangs, heartbeat....scary movie in real life. Plus I was using one where a woman had been stored after she was murdered....aaaargh!
