Sunday, December 27, 2009

So Many Beautiful Things, So Little Time*

Into London to buy some late presents for my nephews from Urban Outfitters: they make great men's clothes and I'm always tempted to kit myself out at sale-time but I exercised restraint and focused on the nephews. Two t-shirts later, I was bustling through the crowds feeling relieved that I didn't want to buy anything.
Afterwards, I went over to Gina's for tea. They had made lovely curries and the children were making pictures on the floor of snakes and people out of coins. I'd bought them tattoo sleeves to make their arms look as though they had tigers tattooed on them, but they were a little bit baggy so they may have to be worn on their legs instead! We sat round the table and talked about films and comedians and music; the company was good.
In the New Year, Gina is going to make a documentary about women instrumentalists and I am going to help her. It is going to be an exciting year, I think. I will sort out the Chefs and Helen and the Horns compilations, hassle Ashgate to get the Lost Women published in paperback, record the next album, and finish off the rockabilly recordings with Martin, Joe and Cav.
Roll on 2010!
It's my birthday tomorrow, so I might not get round to doing a posting. There's no room in my house for a party, but I will definitely have one next year.

*The slogan is one of Selfridges' ghastly exhortations that hangs above the shoppers who push and shove their way to the designer counters, after being filtered through the doors by grumpy security guards. What a nasty way to buy things!

1 comment:

  1. Many happy returns! Hope you had a great Xmas!!
