Monday, December 21, 2009

Snow and Rage

'Mick': how sweet, you signed your name in the snow on my car windscreen this morning, before you scraped a handful off the bonnet to make a snowball.

And I went down to Katy's, and Nadya came along too, and we had an end-of-year Ramble My Rose songwriting meeting. Most of it was drinking tea, but we did each manage a song each as well as talking through what we've written over the past twelve months- quite a lot, so it has 'worked', making all of us write regularly, and take ourselves off in different musical directions.
Afterwards, Offsprog Two met me and we went to get her some shoes- a miracle- the first pair fitted and she liked them, so I smiled and came home. Offsprog One was there with her friend, and had discovered a new charity shop where they had bought dresses, and they were really excited.
I offered the friend a lift home because it was snowing, big slushy dangerous flakes actually, as we discovered when the car slid down the hill and skidded towards somebody's very red, very shiny, very posh car. Luckily I managed to twist the steering wheel in the opposite direction seconds before we smashed into it and slid out of the slush back on to the road. The snow was tumbling down and we found ourselves skidding in jolts through semi-stationary traffic, with an irritating FedEx van behind us that kept trying to overtake (dumb and dangerous), flashing its headlights to try to make me hurry (dumb and dangerous) when its driver could see quite plainly that there was another van in front of me. Poor friend had to get out and walk as we were moving so slowly so we lent her an umbrella that someone had left in the car.
We almost got squashed by a box van that made an unwise decision to try to drive up the next hill and slithered sideways and painfully slowly upwards, with its wheels whizzing in a futile attempt to get a purchase on the ice. I worked out that if I turned the steering wheel rapidly from side to side as I drove forwards, I didn't skid, and after about an hour we got home (less than a mile), and ten minutes later the snow stopped.
I've had some vintage dresses in the car boot to kill the moth larvae (sub-zero temperatures do the trick!) so I brought those in, and scoffed the Chocolate Orange that Offsprog One bought me so she could have some.
Now I have to pack: up at six tomorrow to attempt to get to Newcastle for the Christmas gigs. I hope the trains are running!

Hmm... Rage Against the Machine... £65,000 isn't a lot of money to give to charity, given the massive sales their publicity stunt will achieve. I feel so glad not to be part of the machine that they are raging against and that they are part of too. 
Why were the BBC so surprised when they f*cking swore? The Sex Pistols did all this twenty years ago! 
This little rantlet is called 'Rage Against Rage Against the Machine' and is not sponsored by Sony or Simon Cowell, but originated from my own brain about 5 minutes ago!
Rage over and out.


  1. I had the same response: how is mindlessly going out and downloading a single raging against the machine? "F--k you. I won't do what you tell me" indeed!

  2. Anonymous6:49 pm

    Yawn, yawn, yawn - how can people get so worked up about Simon Cowell (oops, sorry, I meant Joe) not being number one, when there are so many more important things to do - like taking photos of the Gnome Sisters in the snow!!!

  3. The Pistols vs the Beeb was more like 30 years ago. Aren't we getting old.
