Saturday, December 05, 2009


It's on at home, and I'm up late, pootling around sites and overposting on my blog.
I did want to tell you this though.
I drove into the car park at work this morning and turned the corner to be met by a huge line of black-suited backs stretched across the road. I couldn't work out what was happening until I realised that a large delegation of Chinese businessmen were having their photograph taken and there were so many of them that the only place they could do this was in the cold wet car park.
At first they didn't know I was there and I fumbled for my camera to take a 'behind the Chinese delegation' photo.
But just then one man turned round and saw me and they all dispersed apologetically. I wouldn't have minded waiting because I thought it was sweet- they were all clearly in very good spirits. Once I'd passed, they reassembled, did their photo smiles, had a good laugh and went off to catch their coach.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:21 pm

    I would love to have seen a photo of your businessmen!! Thank you for visiting - the gnomes really are cute - just now they are sitting on the couch and I smile every time I go into the lounge and see them!!
