Wednesday, September 30, 2009

More About Big Ben University

The tutor is called Tony Erickson, and he doesn't understand a word he's saying, and half the girls and half the boys are called Sam, so when he asks Sam to answer a question, they all answer in unison.


  1. Anonymous8:27 pm

    When I was at primary school, there were 3 other Annes in my class. At secondary school, there were yet another 3 Annes, and when I started work - yes, there were 3 more Annes. Now when I go to patch'n'chat on Friday afternoons, there are 2 more Annes - maybe I should change my name!!! (perhaps to Sam?)

  2. Anne's a nice name...

  3. I think Anne's a nice name too.
    The only place I've been where I've been the only Helen was at Art College- everywhere else there have been billions of us.
