Saturday, August 08, 2009

The Saturday Post

What a lovely morning! And it was lovely at five too, when I woke up.
Try as I might, I couldn't get back to sleep: I am contemplating the seven hour drive to Edinburgh with Offsprogs One and Two, and then on tomorrow to Inverness.
These very few days will be the sum total of my summer holiday this year and I intend to savour them with all my might (for I am the mighty savourer) although it is extremely doubtful that I will return home with any sort of tan.
I bought a pair of Timberland boots to drive up in, from the British Heart Foundation shop; they are marginally less knackered than the pink ones I inherited from Offsprog Two.
By the way- and this blog now becomes a fashion tipster!- those dowdy shoe manufacturers Clarks have come up with the most brilliant shoes ever- desert boots for all the decades since the Sixties- floral ones, Union Jack ones (brilliant), tweed ones (even brillianter), absolutely amazing. I saw them in Oxford Street when I went to get more embroidery thread to finish the embroidered bra, which is now finished and hanging from a door knob looking sinister.
I hope you like my Daisies song, tucked away at the bottom of my Myspace player. It is very rough'n'ready as I only had ten minutes to record it in. I wrote it to cheer people up who are contemplating daisies, whoever and wherever they might be!

1 comment:

  1. Have a lovely time in Scotland! It took us 8 hours to get home today but two of them were London! The boots sound interesting. I used to love desert boots but I loved monkey boots more!
