Thursday, August 20, 2009

The Perseverance Tonight

I took time out from it all yesterday, drew the picture below, sang some songs, went to look at another house (small but perfectly formed) and made an offer on it. It's so minute I'll have to put all my drawings and papers, some bits of furniture and a lot of books into storage for a couple of years until i move north, but its the only one I have seen that I could imagine my Offsprogs (who will have to share a room) and myself living in. If it is not to be mine, I am having a rest for a couple of weeks, catching up with work, knitting the letter 'H' I've been allocated for the giant knitted poem (we don't know what the poem is yet, we just knit the letters) and drawing- and doing another banner for Gina's project. I have in mind a jolly roger flag with the symbol for 'woman' above the crossed bones instead of a skull.
The embroidered bra is going to be worn by a big cardboard Venus de Milo coat hanger I made last night. I haven't tried it on her yet 'cos I drew it in thick sticky black ink which needed overnight to dry.
Tonight, it's Acton Bell's Variety Night at the Perseverance, my favourite venue at the moment. There are two bands from Liverpool, Council Pop and the Dominoes, a solo chappie, Acton Belle (I will sing some backing vocals) and me (Acton Bell will sing some backing vocals)
Roll on another day, sunny at last, sleepless still but in better spirits.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:39 am

    Good luck with the house!!! I love your drawing - I am so evvious of you and Sarah and your drawing talent (and I can't sing a note either ... ah well)
