Wednesday, July 15, 2009

A Flock of Barbies

This flock of Barbies was resting in the Cancer Care shop before flying off to be rehomed somewhere.
I think the pink bookmark doll is looking after them; one or two of them look a bit embarrassed.

I've got flu, but not the swine sort. I have read three and a half detective novels since Monday and have run out. I'm trying to decide if I've got enough energy to go to the library; I did go out down to the school to pick up a big photo of me and Dan dojng the Rubbish Rockers Song Club, with the Mayor there in his big chunky gold neckwear. This is because I am planning a Big Project and I'm collecting all the photos and so on, so I can show how it all works. The Deputy Head told me the children have been singing the Change Change song that Martin and myself wrote with them, in assembly.
It's sad, the little school is closing down and they are throwing a lot of stuff away in skips- big wooden panda bookshelves, plastic boxes. There's a beautiful applique on the wall in the hallthat the children have done with an applique football team and applique children sitting in a circle in a hessian classroom.

Doing this posting has exhausted me. I am going to sit for a while lumbered by a cat. They love it when I am ill because they can sit on me and be extra heavy so I don't move. I am stuck indefinitely, until I've collected the strength to tumble them off and stand up, so they can't lock me to a seat any more!

1 comment:

  1. At last the collective noun for more than 2 Barbies in one place is confirmed...
