Saturday, July 18, 2009


Inspired by the BA in Leisure and Tourism and the Dip. in Live Entertainment (and, some would say, the courses I teach on too), the McCookerybook University of Barnet is offering a special degree for those who are newly unemployed- the BA in Boredom Alleviation, or BABA for short.
Having spent many months, nay years, unemployed under the past Tory Administration, and having started many jobs only to have the funding rug pulled out from under my (their) feet, I feel I have real expertise to offer in this area.
Modules will cover such subjects as Crosswords and Sudoku, Getting the Most Out Of Your Library Book, Not Spending Money On eBay, Making Three Meals Out of One Tin of Beans, Noticing New Things on the Same Old Walk, and Looking Out Of The Window.
The course is validated by the local Jobcentre, which unfortunately closed down yesterday as the workers were laid off to save money. However, applications are already being taken for 2010 after a rush on places for September 2009.


  1. It's amazing how one can miss, y'know, like DOING things... Just stuff. I resent being forced to be incapacitated.
    There you go. A comment to read...

  2. Don't forget to add the module 'making up false little tasks each day to make you feel slightly less apathetic'
    Sorry to read you are feeling ill. Hope you feel better soon! I keep thinking I have swine flu due to a persistant sore throat and then being annoyed that I have not got a temperature and so am going to have to drag myself to work yet again!

  3. Forgot to put a kiss!

  4. Ah Chimesey, so much of it is 'Busy Doing Nothing' as the famous song goes...
    I won't forget that module Sarah! Thank you for reminding me. Shirley Conran once said that life's too short to stuff a mushrrom, but sometimes I can see the appeal of that!
    I'm not sure if I have Swine Flu- he doctor's receptionist said it wasn't, but McMum says she thinks it is. Seem to be a long wait to get better. Can't wait to be busy doing nothing, stuffing mushrooms when that gets boring!
