Thursday, June 11, 2009


Just look at the ground under this Flufftree!
It had covered the whole car park with fluff at the University of the West, and fluff was floating gently around in the air too, and rolling across the tarmac. Inside, it will form tumbleweeds of fluff and tumble down the empty corridors where the students used to be.
There were even bits of fluff up at the roundabout, about 1/4 mile away. Talk about expressing yourself! 'I am fecund', says the tree, 'Most of the year you don't even notice my grey-green leaves and dull bark, but just look at what I can do when I feel like it!'.
I was impressed.

1 comment:

  1. The fluff tree sounds like yet another contributor to the dust that invades our homes! But well done to the fluff tree anyway for striving to be different.
    Looking forward to Saturday too!
