Sunday, May 31, 2009


I drove through Oxfordshire and Gloucestershire on Friday, through some of the most beautiful countryside I have seen, green and tufty and lush. On the borders of the two counties were huge billboards, put up by farmers, I suspect, exhorting passing trade to 'Vote UKIP'. I didn't pay much attention to the first few, as it is a party definitely not for me so it's a waste of time reading them.
Then one really did catch my eye- 'Say no to immigration between European States'. Eh? It was almost as though whoever has put up the boards decided to slip that one in, thinking nobody would notice.
Isn't that rather BNP of UKIP? Is it the posh people's National Front?
I thought about my oldest offsprog's Maths Tutor, a proudly Jewish man whose slightly 1970s-ish photograph appeared on a pamphlet put through the door at the last General Election, declaring him to be our local UKIP candidate. If these slogans were to be believed, the Jewish people persecuted by Hitler would have had to stay put and be massacred in even greater numbers.

Come on, human race!
Just because an unacceptable number of our elected politicians have been gorging at the trough, that doesn't mean we can all let rip with the most disgusting and dirty politics possible. Is is not the time for a little personal morality? I mean, right from the politicians, who seemed to think that 'just because nobody said they shouldn't' and because 'everyone else was doing it'
(and that means you too, sanctimonious Cameron), they could exploit us, the electorate, and steal our taxes for their moats, kid's residences and other expenses that most of us can only imagine; to us, the voters, who need to remember that we are adults and not spiteful children who despise anyone who is not like us.
Conservatives? Greedy hypocrites, feathering their own nests as always. Labour? Stalled, stuck, exhausted. Liberals? trying to jump on to a bandwagon with inappropriate political baggage. I will vote at the election, but will have to think long and hard about where I pencil my grey cross.
Rant over.

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