Sunday, May 17, 2009

Percy Pig Cakes

One of my songwriting students told me his Grandmother sends him Percy Pig cakes in a box every so often.
I wondered about this.
Does she put the Percy Pigs on afterwards or does she bake the cakes with the Percy pigs on them so they melt?
At his final lesson, I had to ask him, as I did not want to carry this unresolved question with me throughout the summer.
'Ahem', I said at the end of the lesson as the others were stacking the red plastic chairs, 'How does your Grandmother put the Percy Pigs on top of the cakes? Does she do this before or after she has cooked them?'
He looked stunned.
'How did you know my Grandmother sends me Percy Pig cakes?'
"You told me a few weeks ago'.
He looked incredibly relieved.
Kindly, he explained that the Pigs were put on afterwards, on top of the icing.
'She sent me some yesterday, in fact. Delicious. I have eaten them all already'.


  1. Pete Chrisp11:24 am

    That's a lovely story, Helen

  2. Anonymous12:02 pm

    Hi Helen,

    Its Ralph here. Just stumbled upon this post and think it is absolutely fantastic!

    Im so glad the cakes are becoming truly famous. The cupcake company in London have even just recently started making them. Grandma Gwen began this recipe a decade ago.
