Saturday, April 04, 2009


Yesterday I was a butterfly, or something considerably heavier that would have liked to be one, anyway.
After a meeting at work in Docklands, I flew home to meet Nadya (Dr No) for a lovely walk in the sunshine. We talked about selling clothes on eBay, and other light matters.
Next flapdestination was the West End to talk to Chris Carr, who has been a friend and sometimes PR for my music for many years. He is wise and full of good advice and at one particularly difficult part of my life proved himself to be a man of honour to such a degree that I will always respect him more than most Music Industry professionals.
True to form, he gave me some good advice and insisted that I act on it!
On the way there, who should I see on the tube but Dickon Edwards, off to DJ at the London Transport Museum: Judy Garland and Gilbert and Sullivan, he told me, before checking his watch like the White Rabbit and realising he was an hour late. He smiled serenely.
The man who runs Ray's Jazz shop was in the pub, also smiling benignly at the end (or almost) of his working week, and complaining mildly about record companies' pressure on him to allow their acts to perform in his shop, with only two or three people turning up to watch. I'd been to see Willy Mason performing there a couple of years back and he told me what a nice person Willy Mason was.
Finally I went down to Brixton to Mike Slocombe's Big Birthday (50 bumps, Mike!) at Offline in the Prince Albert in Coldharbour Lane. Poor Mike had got caught up in P.A. system issues and then had his family suddenly descend on him, and was only just arriving as I left in disappointment at his not being there! I had a chat to Em, one of the wonderful Actionettes and artist for McCookerybook CD covers. She was wearing a fabulous emerald green dress with gold embroidery all over it, and was accompanied by her cool Mum, who is a comic-strip artist (that's not a funny burlesque act, since you ask!).
Nodding off on the tube was par for the course and I ended the evening with a gigantic cup of tea and an even giganticker slice of toast and marmalade, or probably did; I was so tired I can't remember!


  1. Sounds fun and tiring at the same time Helen!

  2. "and an even giganticker slice of toast and marmalade"

    and that's created an inward smile...
