Friday, March 06, 2009

The Spring Pigeon

The Spring Pigeon is here.
'You stiooopid bugga....... you stiooopid bugga....... you stioopid bugga......... you stioopid bugga', it coos incessantly, and my waking brain clocks in and chants along with it until I remember that I'm a human and not a stioopid bugga, and get up to embrace the day.
It has its own time signature and if I was an artier sort of musician I would write a 'piece' based on its rhythm. And that of the gaps between telephone burrs as you wait for someone to answer, and of course windscreen wipers: tub.. thump, tub.. thump, tub.. thump.

Here is the first joke of spring:
What do you call a cat who is unnaturally attracted to its mother?
Oedi Puss


  1. And when it destroys the family?

    Oedi Puss wrecks.

  2. Have you met the cat's friend, BT? Oedi Pal?
